No longer drowning in dissertation notes or gallons of
alcohol which ease the pain of having no life? No more ‘awkward moments in the
library’statuses? No more dreaming of the day you reach the 10,000 word mark? We
have craved this moment for so long that when it comes around; it smacks you in
the face. What next?
Well the obvious answer is get a job- which is a lot harder
than it appears. So while you get yourself accustom to the shock of having a
life again – a slightly strange feeling – here are some things to keep you busy
while you look for that dream career. You know the one you have always dreamt
of and worked yourself to death for these past three years.
Update your CV – Now you have a bit of spare time on your
hands get applying for those graduate jobs. Obviously, you can’t do this
without making your CV the best that an employer can receive – you can be Albert
Einstein if you so wish! I read an article recently in a magazine with huge employers explaining their ideal candidates for a job role. Make sure you
research, research and research the company you are applying for – it shows that
you have invested time into getting this job. Start your CV off, initially, with
something interesting or the work experience you have. Some employers may only
read the first page so this is vital. Get your family, friends, dog, cat and
fish to check for spelling mistakes – any incorrect words may see your CV being
instantly discarded. Lastly, make sure you sound interesting, if you love
anything from sky diving to Zumba then make sure you come over like an approachable,
friendly and exciting person.
Re-vamp your room – With the end of an era, comes a fresh
start. Put your energy into bagging up all those teddies and give them to charity. I know, I know, teddies are the worst! They
stare at you, begging for you to leave them nicely on your bed – or maybe I’ve
just watched Toy Story too many times. Get down to discount palace ‘B & M’
and find some nice city landscapes, crisp bed covers and squishy pillows. Now
all you have to do is kick-back and relax in your new and improved haven.
Clear out your clothes – Don’t lie to yourself, your never
going to wear that Topshop dress again – you know the one you haven’t wore for
2 years that reminds you of your last boyfriend. It’s sat there lonely at the
back of your draw and would look much better on some less fortunate child in
Africa. So get a black bin liner and throw in all them clothes you haven’t wore
in 6 months because if you haven’t wore them since then, you never will again. After all, it’s
all for a good cause and it will class as your good deed for the day. It also
means you can buy more clothes to fill those empty spaces in the back of your
wardrobe. Bonus!
Catch-up with friends – Get down to the local pub, crack
open the rose and have a good natter. You probably haven’t seen each other in
ages because of university commitments, so discuss the new Made in Chelsea
episode, how you are DEFINITELY over your ex or plan for a massive group holiday. Happy
Visit your Grandparents – I can guarantee that you probably
don’t do this enough – especially if you have been living away from home.
However, you know that they are going to throw sweets and chocolate at you, and
quite frankly, what’s a bigger incentive? Any excuse to break that summer body diet.
Make those big plans happen – Want to go travelling around
Europe? Do it. Want to work abroad? Do it. Want to spend a year in Australia?
Just do it. Now you are thinking about what you really want, make it happen. Once you are in a full-time career it will be much
harder to make those plans occur, so get researching. Visit the travel agent,
scan the Internet and get some magazines. If your big plan means you travelling
alone, brave it. It is scary – I know – but it’s your dream and your life. You
live once, so take every opportunity.
Leaving university means that you can literally take any
path you like. Whether it is travelling the world, working for charity or being
a high-flying businessman or woman; take every opportunity that approaches
In the end, we just regret the chances that we didn't take.